Monday, October 17, 2016

Hurricane Musings

It strikes me funny as I am sitting here at how strange my life may seem to others looking in from the outside.   I am sitting it the blaring sunshine of the kindergarten pickup line  waiting to pick up my son from the first day back to school after our Hurricane Matthew evacuation.   As I am sitting here in my car,  I am crocheting a tiny hat for a dog that lives up North in a much colder climate.   It's what I do.   The onlookers of this sleepy little Southern town think I am nuts,  I am sure of it.   When my son introduces me at school or out and about,  he says very proudly,  "My Mom crochets for dogs!"

Oh well,  I haven't fit in for the better part of my life so why try now,  right?   Now,  back to the evacuation for that hurricane.   We ended up leaving quite early in the morning two days before it hit.   Of course,  in typical fashion,  my son had found himself ill with a rather nasty respiratory thing so the day before we left,  I drove both of us to his doctor without an appointment  after waiting, unsuccessfully,  for a nurse to call me back and managed to get seen and get the needed medicine in case we needed it.   We then,  went home and threw everything we could fit into our SUV, including  two less than thrilled putty cats, and drove west to Alabama.
There, from the safety of our hotel room, we watched the likes of Matthew bear down on our home and many of our loved ones and neighbors that chose to stay.   Luckily,  our house and neighborhood were spared the worst of it but our town and many of our favorite haunts were ravaged.   I feel blessed to be here and safe but I can honestly say that experience shook me and that is coming from someone that went through all of the Florida Hurricanes in 2004 I think including Charlie.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Stream of Consciousness

I apologize too much....I am so sorry that I haven't written a blog in a long time.  My eyes are really itchy and watery right now.  It might be because I am up too late again.  This might sabotage my working out tomorrow (look, I am already making lame excuses).  Britney's new blog post really did influence me and inspre me even more.  I really need to learn how to link to someone elses post...and take better quality photgraphs.  Do people really even care to read my blog?  I am filled with way too many questions about why I can't or shouldn't do things.....not sure why I doubt my ability so much. Wish I wasn't so afraid of inclement weather (it really is quite crippling somtimes).  These wedding flowers that I am working on are actually intimidating me this time around.  I need some more places to find inexpensive and high quality artificial flowers.  It's been awhile since I have been back to Goodwill....wondering why they haven't called me back about that job that I interviewed for.  It might be that I went all Puss in Boots from Shrek and batted at a piece of fluff that floated in front of me during the interview.  I really need to get out and socialize more.  I have met a few people at the gym but still am too hung up on if my bum jiggles too much in my new exercise pants when I am on the eliptical.  Really hope I am raising my son the right way (even though there is not really a wrong way) but again that stupid self-doubt creeps in!  Gah....I love my little Cam Cam more than words.  Goodnight!  I promise to blog more soon...dealing with some crazy stuff these past few weeks but have some great blogs started!  Thanks for reading....I wish I lived closer to all of my friends.....annnnnnd  DONE!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What a Crock!

I think the most useful appliance that I own is my faithful old crockpot.  Now, this is not my first crock since, I unfortunately learned the hard way that crockpots do not withstand extreme temperature gradients.  Evidently, you are not supposed to take a hot crock pot and put it in the refrigerator or it will crack!  Who knew?!  (Common sense was evading me that day).
I really do use my crock pot a lot.  There are just so many great recipes and EASY recipes that you can make with them that they are worth their weight in gold.  If you have ever been afraid to use a slow cooker before, throw away your fears because I am here to tell you that it is one of the easiest and most carefree ways to cook (especially for a mom)!

Here is a recipe that is one of my faves.....please note that I do not cook by recipe so amounts are approximate.  That is one other great thing about crocks is it is not an exact science. 

Athena Chicken

This is about the size that I cut everything.  Add your chicken and lemons to the top!

This is a tasty, light in calorie and fat, and light in flavor recipe...Greek inspired.  All you need is, frozen boneless skinless chicken breasts or fresh, fresh green beans (or frozen if you add towards the end), red potatoes, one lemon, onion, oregano, salt, two garlic cloves or garlic powder, and a pinch of pepper. 

Layer your onions (cut to your liking), potatoes and green beans in the bottom of the pot.  Sprinkle with a little of the spices.  I like to spice as I layer to help the flavors come together.  Then, just lay the chicken breasts over the top and add your spices over the top again.  Cut your lemon in halves and squeeze over your hand (to catch the seeds) and over the top of the chicken and then place the halves in the pot too.  I add a little chicken stock (about 3/4 cup) to the pot.  Place the lid over the top and cook of high for 4-5 hours.  When done, your chicken should be fork tender and falling apart.  Serve with crusty French bread or pita and enjoy!

It was so tasty and my family likes to eat so much that I forgot a pic of the finished product soooooo here is a picture of me demonstrating how you will smile when you taste Athena Chicken!

Tune in for more yummy and easy recipes!  I'm full of it...I mean them.....

Saturday, July 14, 2012

In my last post Falling Off, I completely forgot to post the my Goodwill dresser that I refinished!  You know your crafting has gone into overdrive when you are able to forget to include a project as large as a dresser.  Wow.  I really do have a problem....perhaps I do need an intervention. 

Anywho...not sure if addendums are allowed in the blog world but I am doing it anyway...hehe...I am a rebel!

Here she is before ...still in Goodwill before I had decided to buyer.

Here is the process in pics...

Removed the hardware
First Color (Yellow Wash in Acrylic)

Decided to add Island Blue

And....drumroll Island inspired dresser!

I painted the hardware that used to be brass....came out great but need a clear coat or something.....

This is my first ever repaint/refinish of a dresser and was done without paint brushes and with plain acrylic paint from the craft store and paper towels.  Not bad for having none of the proper stuff!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Falling Off

Every now and then I fall off the face of the Earth.  Those of you that have been friends with me for a prolonged period of time, know this and have experienced it.  I sincerely hope that none of you have ever taken it personally or thought that I was being aloof.....I simply just disappear into myself for awhile and this is sometimes why.....

I get a little engrossed in

I am not entirely sure why it happens or when it will strike but when it does, I can't stop. I can't sleep until I finish and there is simply an overwhelming need to create that I just cannot not seemingly quench.

My latest obsession is crochet flowers.  Until yesterday, I was only able to crochet squares of varying size and only one stitch (the shell stich) which, though pretty, it was not satisfying me anymore.  I had tried to read the patterns on the back of the yarn and bought books to tell me how to become more skilled but had failed miserably and crocheted what only could have been described as various body part warmers.....use your imagination people.  I fooled myself into thinking that I could somehow sew these onto a larger tube that I could crochet and fashion a sweater....another epic fail.

My newest obsession

Well, I blame Pinterest partially for my recent fall from Earth since I found a lady that actually explained things in a way that made sense to my obviously crochet challenged pea brain...and now, I can crochet...wait for it....FLOWERS!  Heehee.....and headbands, and I even crocheted a hat from scratch and added a.....FLOWER!  See......

So, please forgive my lapse in blogs and my lack of presence....I can't help myself when I am struck with the overwhelming need to create...I may be obsessed..addicted...OCD (or CDO for those of you that actually need to put the letters in order).  Perhaps I need an intervention.....I can stop at anytime though...just one more flower I swear...

Help me :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Revenge of the Body Snatchers

Someone switched my sweet little smiley son for a Gremlin in the past couple of days.  I am pretty sure someone fed him after midnight too. Whoever this person is, I will find you and take the appropriate revenge.

Sweet Little Man

Right now, as I am writing this, he is spinning in circles babbling incoherently (not that he ever babbles coherently).  My patience has definitely been tested this past week.  It's weird, it's like it happened overnight too so it is not like I had a chance to ease into this new personality change of the terrible twos or "the days of Gremlin" as I like to call it.  So, I have absolutely no idea how to handle it when he suddenly starts screaming at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason.  I should probably not admit this, but I have been so frustrated and confused as to how to deal with it, that I have actually just screamed along with him (not at him) just with him.  This was actually surprisingly effective for a few minutes since it rendered him utterly confused and, thus, speechless for a moment.  Although it worked, I am pretty sure that it is not a recommended manner in which to deal with this behavior.

Gremlin Form

Well, I hate to say it, but my brain has seemingly been split in two from the blood curdling screams emanating from my Gremlin, so I may have to end this post rather abru......

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Buyer's Remorse

So, you know that awesome table I got at Goodwill the other day?  Yeah, the one that I was raving about that I just could not live without?

Yup, that's the one! many of you crafters/thrifty people know out there, sometimes, your inner designer/crafter has a knock down drag out fight with your inner thrifter and my inner designer is evidently an accomplished UFC fighter.  You see, I had this vision....muah ha husband cringes when I utter those words.  I had a vision of an indoor 24/7, 365 day a year picnic.  A vision of whitewashed wood, billowing hydrangea, and sparkly pitchers of lemonade with slices of lemon peeking through.  Doesn't that sound awesome?  I thought so too...  plus, I am soooo not a formal dining room type of gal.  I come from Florida where I ran barefoot through the cool summer grass and sun warmed sand.  I wanted a constant reminder of this for when the cold Indiana winter is staring me back in the face...

Not Picnic Weather

My husband will tell you that once I have a craft idea/design idea pop into my head, I become a woman possessed.  I simply cannot rest until I have finished.  My idea is to have glam up a traditional picnic table and make it my dining room table!

On a side note, I am having to finish this post in the basement since a strong line of storms is moving through....those of you that know me know that I am just LOVING this.

This is what my "Help Me" face looks like

So, I set to Craigslist to see what I could find.  After searching awhile, I came across a few people that said they would build me a custom picnic table.  Hmmmmm....this sounds even more fun!  So I sent out a few emails to see what it would cost and if they could build me a custom one with detachable benches.  A couple of days past and no response from anyone and so, I decided in typical me fashion, I will build my own picnic table (because I secretly think that I am a superhero in my own mind, capable of leaping any craft project in a single bound)!  Much to my husband's dismay, I set about trying to find some blueprints (because I have read blueprints 

Thankfully, that is when I had my little escapade to Goodwill for the other table that you can read about HERE.  So, that table did have a purpose for a small time and saved me from possibly putting a nail through my hand or worse, sawing an appendage off (because I secretly am not a superhero and have never done woodwork in my life).

Then, as I am home that evening, still buzzing from getting my Goodwill table, I check my email and find a response from a fellow going by the initials of J.C. (Yes, folks....a woodworker/carpenter with the initials of J.C.).  Trust me, the irony and metaphorical weight of this did not escape me. His email had an enthusiasm that came through that I could not deny.  He was excited to build me this table and had already set out to buy the materials.  It was simply meant to be. 

So, this brings me to this Sunday morning.  At a little before 9 am.....J.C. himself and his brother came rolling up with my beautiful new picnic table and detachable benches.  Here she is!

 I am not done with her yet though.  This is just a sneak peak of my dining room before.  Tune in soon for a look of the after!  Thanks J.C.!