Saturday, July 14, 2012

In my last post Falling Off, I completely forgot to post the my Goodwill dresser that I refinished!  You know your crafting has gone into overdrive when you are able to forget to include a project as large as a dresser.  Wow.  I really do have a problem....perhaps I do need an intervention. 

Anywho...not sure if addendums are allowed in the blog world but I am doing it anyway...hehe...I am a rebel!

Here she is before ...still in Goodwill before I had decided to buyer.

Here is the process in pics...

Removed the hardware
First Color (Yellow Wash in Acrylic)

Decided to add Island Blue

And....drumroll Island inspired dresser!

I painted the hardware that used to be brass....came out great but need a clear coat or something.....

This is my first ever repaint/refinish of a dresser and was done without paint brushes and with plain acrylic paint from the craft store and paper towels.  Not bad for having none of the proper stuff!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Falling Off

Every now and then I fall off the face of the Earth.  Those of you that have been friends with me for a prolonged period of time, know this and have experienced it.  I sincerely hope that none of you have ever taken it personally or thought that I was being aloof.....I simply just disappear into myself for awhile and this is sometimes why.....

I get a little engrossed in

I am not entirely sure why it happens or when it will strike but when it does, I can't stop. I can't sleep until I finish and there is simply an overwhelming need to create that I just cannot not seemingly quench.

My latest obsession is crochet flowers.  Until yesterday, I was only able to crochet squares of varying size and only one stitch (the shell stich) which, though pretty, it was not satisfying me anymore.  I had tried to read the patterns on the back of the yarn and bought books to tell me how to become more skilled but had failed miserably and crocheted what only could have been described as various body part warmers.....use your imagination people.  I fooled myself into thinking that I could somehow sew these onto a larger tube that I could crochet and fashion a sweater....another epic fail.

My newest obsession

Well, I blame Pinterest partially for my recent fall from Earth since I found a lady that actually explained things in a way that made sense to my obviously crochet challenged pea brain...and now, I can crochet...wait for it....FLOWERS!  Heehee.....and headbands, and I even crocheted a hat from scratch and added a.....FLOWER!  See......

So, please forgive my lapse in blogs and my lack of presence....I can't help myself when I am struck with the overwhelming need to create...I may be obsessed..addicted...OCD (or CDO for those of you that actually need to put the letters in order).  Perhaps I need an intervention.....I can stop at anytime though...just one more flower I swear...

Help me :)