Thursday, July 5, 2012

Revenge of the Body Snatchers

Someone switched my sweet little smiley son for a Gremlin in the past couple of days.  I am pretty sure someone fed him after midnight too. Whoever this person is, I will find you and take the appropriate revenge.

Sweet Little Man

Right now, as I am writing this, he is spinning in circles babbling incoherently (not that he ever babbles coherently).  My patience has definitely been tested this past week.  It's weird, it's like it happened overnight too so it is not like I had a chance to ease into this new personality change of the terrible twos or "the days of Gremlin" as I like to call it.  So, I have absolutely no idea how to handle it when he suddenly starts screaming at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason.  I should probably not admit this, but I have been so frustrated and confused as to how to deal with it, that I have actually just screamed along with him (not at him) just with him.  This was actually surprisingly effective for a few minutes since it rendered him utterly confused and, thus, speechless for a moment.  Although it worked, I am pretty sure that it is not a recommended manner in which to deal with this behavior.

Gremlin Form

Well, I hate to say it, but my brain has seemingly been split in two from the blood curdling screams emanating from my Gremlin, so I may have to end this post rather abru......

1 comment:

  1. Oh no.....the terrible twos. DUN DUN DUN! At least you still have your hilarious sense of humor! Good luck momma, the only advice I can give is, at least it doesn't last forever. ;)
