Thursday, June 21, 2012

So, those of you that know me, know that I have a sweet little guy that is 17 months old by the name of Cameron.  Since we have had him, my decorative tastes have not changed but the way that I look at home decor has definitely evolved.  Suddenly, even the most harmless looking overstuffed recliner looks like a potential threat ....sitting there all puffy and inviting. 

Well, my son, being the exceptionally gifted young man that he is recently dove head first into my husband's recliner not once....but twice.  Evidently, he is part homing pigeon and was able to mimic the exact route across the living that he took the first time that rendered a large red goose egg right between his eyes.  The second time he did this, he managed to sever his frenulum (which I have learned is the useless piece of skin that holds your top lip to your gums).  This poor overstuffed recliner has been excommunicated to the in laws to say the hurt the kid and you are out!

Before swan dive into recliner
After swan dive (See the goose egg?)

So, when we recently moved to a new house with a fireplace, I thought to myself, "Oh boy, a fireplace!"  Then, upon viewing the beautifully rustic brick hearth with jagged, hard, pointy heart dropped.  Things that used to be very desirable in a home now have taken on a seemingly sinister profile since having a baby.  So, how does one go about baby proofing a beautiful hearth like this while still preserving some style?  I had an idea!  Here is the solution I came up with....

Add a little foam and some fabric and you have a comfy and stylish bench!

After shopping around, I found some large pieces of foam for $16.00 and bought two, along with the fabric which was around $2.50/yard.  This is still a work in progress....I ended up sewing the two pieces of foam together since I was unsure of the best way to join foam.  Anyone with suggestions?  I also have not attached the fabric since I am trying to decide if I want to make it interchangeable with snaps or Velcro. 

After looking online at other options, they wanted $285.00 for something similar and the other option was a bumper like contraption that was pretty unsightly.  So far, this seems to be doing the trick!  Let me know what you think!  What other baby proofing ideas do you all have?

Being that this is my first post and all, please forgive me for not knowing what I am  For my readers (not even sure if I will have any), I am sure there will be grammatical errors but keep in mind that I feel as though I am baring my soul here. 

I have been toying with the idea to have a blog for awhile and now that I am a stay-at-home mom, I feel that this might be a good thing for me to do to keep from going clinically insane.  Here you will find little pieces of me and my everyday life (from crafts to recipes) and glimpses into my mind (this could be a scary blog due to this)!  Please enjoy and I hope that you find inspiration and that maybe you giggle a bit too....