Wednesday, June 27, 2012


My name is Amanda and I am addicted to Goodwill.  You know it is bad when you name your blog after it. 

It's true, I get a high (a really good high) off of finding awesome things that someone has discarded or cast away and repurposing them.  In fact, I am buzzing right now off of a HUGE haul from an impromptu visit to a new Goodwill down the street *shivers with excitement over the prospect of a "foreign" Goodwill* that I visited yesterday. 

It happened as it normally does... it was a normal morning with the usual routine.  As I was adding ingredients to my Crock Pot for that evenings' dinner (love my Crock Pot), I had a thought run through my head that I needed to get out of the house and enjoy the day.  So, I loaded Cameron into his carseat after setting my Crock on high and set out on an "expedition" and text the hubby to let him know that I am going out. 

As I am sitting at the crossroads of our subdivision, I get a sudden surge of excitement that runs through me as I remember seeing that familiar dark blue sign the other day....there is a new Goodwill that I have yet to explore in my neighborhood.  Then, another thrill runs down my's in a well-to-do neighborhood.....OH GOODY!  So, I set off.

It just so happens that I need a few things for the house since we recently moved into a larger house and also sold/gave away a good bit of furniture when we made the move from Florida to Indiana.  I started making a list in my head of things that we need....dining table and chairs, dresser for the closet, and a lateral file for the office.  I always try to make a list of things before I get there or else I get myself into trouble!

As I am driving up, I see a woman walking out with two large bags. "I wonder what goodies she got?  I hope she left some for me!"  Then I see a large herd of people storming the doors....."Oh no, they are certainly going to get all the good stuff!"  So I unstrap Cam and hurriedly walk in trying not to act too overeager...I REALLY do have a problem.  I head over to the furniture area and crane my neck to peer around a large silk tree and see some heart starts to pound with anticipation.  I see a table....but there is a man with his wife sitting next to it.  I casually walk over (I am sure I probably had an intensity in my eyes or a certain desperation that only a person addicted to Goodwill could have) because the couple backed away slowly, not making eye contact.

 After I was alone with the table and chairs, I circled it and realized how solid it was and glanced at the price tag.  It was only $59.99 for a five piece!  I noticed that there was a lady coming my way and suddenly felt very territorial so I sat down and quickly ripped the tag off to take to the front to show ownership!
Table and Chairs (Good solid wood too)

As I was sitting there, I came out of my table haze and my eyes focused in on a dresser.  Could it be, that I might find two pieces on my list today!  That never happens!  I knelt down on the couch sitting next to it and checked out it's bones and though it is a little rough around the edges, it is solid.  A project for me to complete...even better!  I look at the price tag and it's only $20.99.....SOLD!

As I am walking to the register, I get a glimpse of what looks like a filing could not possibly be.  To find all things on one's Goodwill list NEVER happens.  So, I inspect a little more and sure's a solid wood, lateral file with the file separators already built in.  I about fainted at this point and excitedly moved a VERY large microwave off of it to get a closer look and this is what I find.....

It was only $24.99.  Folks, I might as well retire at this point from my Goodwilling days since a day like this will likely never happen again (although, I hope it does for the sake of my blog).  :)  Suffice it to say that my husband had a busy evening since there was NO way that I could fit all of this in my, here I sit, still buzzing a little bit from my super haul of goodies and dreaming of my next expedition.....there is a guest room to furnish!


  1. You are my guru! I never find anything at Goodwill but then again haven't tried many - I must find the priciest neighborhood and search out there Goodwill. You have sparked an interest yet again with me ... Cute blog post too, you have such a way with words!

  2. Nice. You are awesome, I might need to take some tips from you, or have you teach me the ways of Goodwill, cuz I hate it, and can NEVER find anything there, much to Steve's dismay ;) Happy shopping!

  3. ok, so $60 for five pieces of ANYTHING is amazing! I love Goodwill and I love a good deal and I love cheap and I love saving money ... and and and. ;) oh and I love this post!

  4. Awesome haul, kiddo! Now I have to find our Goodwill and check it out! Not sure how I'll get it all home, though! When the Subaru dies, I'm getting a pickup truck. :-)
